Sun Sim Registration 2024 Online (Link)

The Sun SIM registration process is similar to the Tm SIM registration. Every user who wants to register their SIM card goes to the Sun registration official site with the link. After opening the Sun SIM registration link, verify your number with the OTP and enter your mandatory details: name, ID card number, contact number, and address information. Sun Cellular is under Smart Communications now.

Sun sim registration process steps

  • First, open any browser on your computer or mobile.
  • Then open this link.
  • After this, the Smart Sim Registration page will open on the screen.
  • Now, enter your mobile number here to register.
  • And accept the terms and conditions in the box.
  • Click on the “Send OTP” button.
  • After this, you will receive the OTP.
  • Enter this OTP in the following box and verify.
  • Now, your number is verified.
  • Now click on the “OK” button for further processing.

Input your information here.

Required Basic Details

  • Type of registration
  • Nationality
  • Valid ID card. ID requirements and information are the same as those for the globe, TM, and Smart sims.
  • Upload your Selfie.
  • Your ID card number
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Birthday date
  • gender.
  1. Now, enter all the information and click on the next button.
  2. After that, enter your address information.
  3. Enter your city name, province, and zip code.
  4. Enter your contact information.
  5. Now all the information is complete, click on the next button.
  6. Before the final steps, check the information summary to confirm the information.
  7. Now, read the privacy policy and click on the box.
  8. Click the following button.
  9. Your sim is registered now successfully.
  10. Now, see your sim reference number.
  11. You can copy this reference number and save it.
  12. After all, you will receive the final confirmation sms.
See also  DITO SIM Registration (Form link) Online 2024

Sun Sim Information

USSD MenuFor USSD menu Dial *247#.
Postpaid MenuText SUNSAGOT Postpaid to 1200 for Postpaid menu access.
Prepaid MenuSend sms SUNSAGOT Prepaid to 1200 to access the Prepaid menu.
Broadband MenuSend sms SUNSAGOT to 1200 for Broadband menu access.
General InquirySend sms SUNSAGOT to 1200 for information about Sun services.
Prepaid BalanceYou should have a P1.00 Balance to access SUN Sagot on Prepaid.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register my Sun SIM card?

  1. First, open the registration link, which is given in this article.
  2. Enter your number and verify with the OPT.
  3. After that, give your information, like your ID card number and selfie, and register your SUN sim after submitting it.

Is Sun Sim available in the Philippines?

Yes, SUN SIM is available in the Philippines under the Smart SIM Network.

Final words

You should add the correct information if you want to register your sim fast. Add your ID card; Selfie is clean and clear. You can edit the given information after checking the summary. A successful registration message you will receive after entering all the information. So now you have registered your sim successfully and can use it safely.

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